A blog of information and resources from
Sunrise Recovery

Insight into Substance Abuse: A Closer Look
Chris Ross Chris Ross

Insight into Substance Abuse: A Closer Look

Insight into Substance Abuse: A Closer Look
Substance use is more common than many of us realize. Whether it's the caffeine from your morning coffee, a glass of wine with dinner, or a painkiller for a headache, we're all familiar with substances that alter our state of being.

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Time to Quit: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Drug Withdrawal
Chris Ross Chris Ross

Time to Quit: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Drug Withdrawal

Time to Quit: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Drug Withdrawal

What Is Drug Withdrawal?

Drug withdrawal refers to the physical and mental symptoms a person experiences when they stop or reduce the intake of a drug. These symptoms can vary greatly depending on several factors, including the type of drug used, the duration of use, and the dosage.

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Recovering with Love: How Families Influence Addiction Recovery
Chris Ross Chris Ross

Recovering with Love: How Families Influence Addiction Recovery

Recovering with Love: How Families Influence Addiction Recover

Addiction is a deeply personal struggle, but it rarely affects just the individual. The ripple effects often extend to loved ones, especially family members. In the journey to recovery, family can play a pivotal role, offering support, understanding, and encouragement.

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