Get treatment for all your addiction recovery needs.

Our services


One-on-one time with a counselor is a major beneficial aspect of treatment. In individual counseling, individuals can discuss setbacks in their recovery, process victories, share issues that they may be hesitant to bring up in a group setting, and receive focused feedback from an experienced professional.

Peer Support

Our peer support specialist has lived experience in addiction and will understand your struggles by listening without judgment and sharing strategies for managing life in recovery. They also facilitate sober activities that help people in recovery learn how to socialize without the need for drugs or alcohol.

Other Services

Case Management

Each person who enters our clinic receives a treatment plan designed to address physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social components of addiction and the recovery process. A rehabilitation case manager will coordinate care inside and outside of Sunrise Recovery. They assist with resources in the community such as setting clients up for benefits and getting jobs or finances in order.

MAT (Medication Assisted Treatment)

MAT is important in helping to prevent relapse, which is common in recovery. It can help fight cravings that might trigger a relapse, helping you maintain your long-term recovery from drugs or alcohol. MAT is one of the first things Sunrise Recovery helps with since it works quickly and can ease withdrawal symptoms.


Led by a counselor, group therapy gives group members the opportunity to share insights from their own personal journeys and to encourage other members who are facing similar challenges. Group therapy serves as a safe and structured environment for participants to practice interpersonal communication and other skills that are essential to recovery.

Recovery Housing

Too many times well-intentioned individuals get into recovery only to find themselves unable to sustain their progress because they return to the living environment that gave birth to and/or reinforced their problems. Our sober housing program is designed to build a foundation in a stable environment that supports recovery, oppose to relapse. 

“This program gave me many lifelong tools on how to stay sober, for the long term. I had the opportunity to take advantage of all resources presented to me and really walk away with solutions every time. Freedom from my addiction and relationships with my loved ones are the greatest gifts I obtained from this program”